Nothing can be done with those who, in the face of clear data, pretend to make decisions based on instincts; this only makes things go wrong. For six months, we have conducted a research under the scheme (BPF Strategie), to an entrepreneurial initiative constituted in the figure of Franchise (food/Fast Food). We literally worked in the kitchen, in the administrative area, observed the three contracted marketing processes, and finally we were able to evaluate the areas of human resources, tax regime, legal bases and accounting methodology.
In September 2021, we received the contract to evaluate the performance of a new Franchise process in the state of Texas, in the United States of America. And the biggest surprise that we appreciate today, after having rendered accounts and exposed the conclusions to the group of investors, is the absurd decision of the same to continue with a process that is going downhill, at least in the internal processes.
For example, in the food processing department, after six months of study and documentation, it was established that 17% of the raw materials used in the daily preparation of food are wasted in the preparation step.
In this particular case, it has been documented that purchases of inputs for the preparation of food are made for a weekly average of $4,200.00 dollars according to the accounting books contrasted with the purchase invoices. The restaurant pays an average of $16,800.00 dollars per month just for the purchases of supplies for the preparation of the meals it offers. If we depreciate an average of 17% of waste (documented), we have that they throw away $2,856.00 dollars a month. At this point it should be clarified that the waste in the preparation of food does not come from the prep, but from the cooks who, without training and certification, are linked to the pre-preparation areas.
In another case, we documented that the salaries have been established in the following proportion: General Manager $22.00, Cooks $16.00/15.00, Prep $14.00/13.00 and Cashiers $10.00/8.00, U.S. dollars per hour. In principle, this does not tell us anything, however, in reality and according to the franchise's operating manuals, it should be noted that the workloads and responsibilities do not have a fair compensation that allows us to say that the salaries are adequate for the activities that each position performs. This has led to 3 General Managers, 9 cooks, 3 prep and 12 cashiers leaving the company due to these circumstances during the study period (6 months).
In a country where there is no practice of reconciling work and family life, we are left with a society that does not practice fundamental labor rights in cases of illness, maternity or paid vacations. In this scenario, it is difficult for workers to develop bonds of belonging to companies, let alone commit themselves to adding value to their activities.
In the end, the Great Resignation (Klotz, Anthony Texas A&M University), continues to destroy more and more the livelihoods of a society that is consumed between the supply of junk jobs, and the massive resignation of its workers.