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Martín González / Bonaparte for Latin America

Foto del escritor: Análisis EfectivoAnálisis Efectivo

Paris' offer to the poor of the continent 1492.

Every time, I try to make my deepest feelings transparent in favor of some pretext, or a guiding line that affirms a little more some positive vision in the actions performed by influential people on a planetary scale with sufficient economic and material capacity to create an impact on the lives of the inhabitants of this planet, I do not stop feeling overwhelmed. In other words, let's say it is quite strange with respect to the emotions at the surface, to say the least.

Nothing finds reason for an exaltation of the human condition and to review history would be banal, to bet on the present and comment on it makes no sense, and to slide the imagination towards a future projected beyond the scale of human reason as a wonderful resolution to the capacity of the human being himself becomes perhaps the only appreciable, and at times, acceptable path within my humanity with respect to the seriousness of intentions in other human beings.

But I remain incredulous, invulnerable to the battles that are offered in words and pacifying marketing that surrounds us through social networks. I don't know where, where, or at what point in the journey of the last 20 years the condition of affection for humanity dies. I guess I felt cheated at some point when I woke up, and I stopped believing as did that young man who was the most enthusiastic of the defenders and progressive of his environment, the maker of vindictive marches, the historian of the horsemen of the apocalypse, the defender of the poor and the unprotected. Something or a mixture of algos involuntarily agglutinates and slips into the pores of my skin to turn me into an indifferent, cold, mean, insensitive and intolerant being with the presentations of "Good Will", of people or institutions.

Around 1798 Napoleon Bonaparte began to gain notoriety in Hispanic America due to the circulation of small news items referring to his exploits during the campaigns of his armies in Italy and, to a lesser extent, in the campaigns in Egypt. But it was around 1805, thanks to the news published at the behest of Juan López Cancelada in the Gazeta de México and Carlos María de Bustamante, in the Diario de México, that the newly consecrated emperor of the French was perceived as a great strategist and inspiring hero, infused with the portentous examples of Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great, and assisting his ally Spain in the struggle against the ambitious expansionism of Great Britain. In this context, the French Republic entered into a treaty of peace and alliance with the Spanish Monarchy - represented by the influential Manuel Godoy, by then known by the title of Prince of Peace - against Great Britain, which sought to take over the maritime routes and free trade with America and other European territories, something clearly intolerable.

This costly peace, conceived after the revolution in 1789 (France), again attracted the sympathy of a varied Spanish-American conglomerate with respect to the customs, fashions and readings that came from Paris (OEA, CEPAL, IDB). However, many others have considered this unnatural friendship irreligious and even suspicious, and I include myself among them.

In the month of November 2022, the annual event of the Paris Peace Forum will take place, (born in 2018 at the initiative of the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, in the framework of the commemoration of the centenary of the armistice of the First World War) and which raises in this edition such diverse topics ranging from civil rights in wars, economic development for the "South", Artificial Intelligence, Trafficking of works of art and protection of cultural heritage, development of international feminist policies and a collection of progressive topics for the 2030 agenda.

Faced with this irrefutable scenario of PEACE and Social Justice and my conviction in the imminent human misery, I prepare to drink a glass of Australian wine, 13 Crimes. I settle the armchair in the studio, I sound the Guzheng music of the atmosphere, and I prepare the little emotionality I have left to receive in the coming weeks the appearance of the new Bonapartists of the XXI century who, from Latin America, refugees in the linen suits and silk ties of their luxurious private or governmental offices, are preparing to perpetuate the dead left by Napoleon in Egypt, Libya, Algeria, and Mexico. This last country, which by the way has celebrated 160 years of the famous battle of May 5th (Puebla, Mexico 1862). Marine Le Pen, would you have anything to say?

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