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Martín Gonzalez / Non-surgical neurotechnology

Foto del escritor: Análisis EfectivoAnálisis Efectivo

Have done so well: next-generation non-surgical neurotechnology (N3).

Namely, when did we as a generation get lost in emerging technologies, in 3D systems, in holograms, in the array of Artificial Intelligence, and today, on the path of genetic nano-engineering.

Before such overwhelming information of the subtle, the superfluous and the banal where today we work to earn money and pay for what we do not want to do, and that others do it for us, it is so high the probability that the lost one is just me that there are days that I am inclined to think so. I will give an example, just this morning I was talking with the young partner T. Nakata (Japan), regarding the beautiful interpretation of Laura Pausini, "Las Cosas que Vives", Warner, Mexico 1996. The first thing before my misplaced humanity was the fact of not being able to credit the basic fact that I did not know who Laura Pausini is, and my frozen look after trying to identify her with spontaneous efforts without any favorable result, I opted to make reference to Luciano Pavarotti as an emblem of world music, and especially, appealing to his Italian origin as a pretext for communicating in favor of the interpreter of "Ascolta Il Tuo Cuore".

Is today a weapon capable of penetrating our conscience and delving into our deepest thoughts? It seems that this time is closer than we thought. The ultimate goal? Thought-controlled weapons, swarms of drones that can send through the sky towards your head with the ability to transmit images from one brain to another. DARPA (The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is a research and development agency of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for developing emerging technologies for military use), has formalized the announcement that six teams will receive funding under the Next Generation Non-Surgical Neurotechnology (N3) program. The participants will be tasked with developing a technology that provides a two-way channel for fast, seamless communication between a human head and an AI-adapted machine without the need for surgery.

The pretext, as Patricia Boisselier CEO (BPFoundation) pointed out, would be to give access to the mental space of people with a motor disability to control a wheelchair through thought. And perhaps this is accurate and possible, but what about potentially lethal military use directed at other human beings. The evidence is crowding more and more into my files every day. Just a few years ago, we witnessed the birth of the drone as a tool of extermination, and now, the picture is clear before my eyes, the drone 3.0 is the human being himself, they will take away the last of our freedoms: Free Will.

When this happens, we will only be left with Laura Pausini's interpretation: Credi in te, ascolta il tuo cuore, Fai quel che dice anche se fa soffrire, Chiudi gli occhi e poi tu lasciati andare, Prova a volare oltre questo dolore. I am sorry for Nakata.

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